Checkboxes are inputs that offer to the user the possibility to select one or more options from a range of attributes.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
defaultChecked | boolean | Initial state of the checkbox, only when it is uncontrolled. | false |
checked | boolean | If true, the component is checked. If undefined the component will be uncontrolled and the value will be managed internally by the component. | false |
value | string | Will be passed to the value attribute of the HTML input element. When inside a form, this value will be only submitted if the checkbox is checked. | - |
label | string | Text to be placed next to the checkbox. | - |
labelPosition | 'before' | 'after' | Whether the label should appear after or before the checkbox. | 'before' |
name | string | Name attribute of the input element. | - |
disabled | boolean | If true, the component will be disabled. | false |
optional | boolean | If true, the component will display the text '(Optional)' next to the label. | false |
readOnly | boolean | If true, the component will not be mutable, meaning the user can not edit the control. | false |
onChange | (value: boolean) => void | This function will be called when the user clicks the checkbox. The new value will be passed as a parameter. | - |
margin | 'xxsmall' | 'xsmall' | 'small' | 'medium' | 'large' | 'xlarge' | 'xxlarge' | Margin | Size of the margin to be applied to the component. You can pass an object with 'top', 'bottom', 'left' and 'right' properties in order to specify different margin sizes. | - |
size | 'small' | 'medium' | 'large' | 'fillParent' | 'fitContent' | Size of the component. | 'fitContent' |
tabIndex | number | Value of the tabindex attribute. | 0 |
ref | React.Ref <HTMLDivElement> | Reference to the component. | - |