Resultset Table

Data table is a component with a high rate of usage within the applications. It allows to show the user a big amount of information in a simple and simplified way. All the information contained in the table has a grid structure, defining columns and rows to place the data and allow the users to scan, analyze, compare and filter that information.



being Column an object with the following properties:

{ displayValue: React.ReactNode; isSortable?: boolean; }
An array of objects representing the columns of the table. Each object has the following properties:
  • displayValue: Column display value.
  • isSortable: Boolean value to indicate whether the column is sortable or not.

being Row a Cell[] and being Cell an object with the following properties:

{ displayValue: React.ReactNode; sortValue?: string | number | Date; }[]
An array of objects representing the rows of the table, you will have as many objects as columns in the table. Each row is a set of cells that have the following properties:
  • displayValue: Value to be displayed in the cell.
  • sortValue: Value to be used when sorting the table by that column. If not indicated displayValue will be used for sorting.
'default' | 'reduced'The available table modes:
  • default: Default table size.
  • reduced: More compact table with less spacing for high density information.
booleanIf true, paginator will not be displayed.false
showGoToPagebooleanIf true, a select component for navigation between pages will be displayed.true
itemsPerPagenumberNumber of items per page.5
itemsPerPageOptionsnumber[]An array of numbers representing the items per page options.-
itemsPerPageFunction(value: number) => voidThis function will be called when the user selects an item per page option. The value selected will be passed as a parameter.-
margin'xxsmall' | 'xsmall' | 'small' | 'medium' | 'large' | 'xlarge' | 'xxlarge' | MarginSize of the margin to be applied to the component. You can pass an object with 'top', 'bottom', 'left' and 'right' properties in order to specify different margin sizes.-
tabIndexnumberValue of the tabindex attribute applied to the sortable icon.0


A compound component aimed to be used inside the resultset table's displayValue to display up to three actions.


{ icon: string | SVG; title: string; onClick: () => void; disabled?: boolean; tabIndex?: number; }[] | { title: string; onClick: (value?: string) => void; disabled?: boolean; tabIndex?: number; options: Option[]; }[]

It represents a list of interactive elements that will work as buttons or as a dropdown. Those with an icon from Material Symbols or a SVG are treated as buttons. If any element lacks an icon and includes options, it is interpreted as a dropdown. Only the first action with options will be displayed and only up to 3 actions. In the case of the dropdown the click function will pass the value assigned to the option, click here for more details.



Basic usage

() => {
  const columns = [
    { displayValue: "Id"},
    { displayValue: "Name"},
    { displayValue: "City"},
    { displayValue: "Actions"},

  const rows = [
      { displayValue: "001"},
      { displayValue: "Peter"},
      { displayValue: "Miami"},
      { displayValue: <DxcButton icon="delete" /> },
      { displayValue: "002"},
      { displayValue: "Louis"},
      { displayValue: "London"},
      { displayValue: <DxcButton icon="delete" /> },
      { displayValue: "003"},
      { displayValue: "Lana"},
      { displayValue: "Amsterdam"},
      { displayValue: <DxcButton icon="delete" /> },
      { displayValue: "004"},
      { displayValue: "Rick"},
      { displayValue: "London"},
      { displayValue: <DxcButton icon="delete" /> },
      { displayValue: "005"},
      { displayValue: "Mark"},
      { displayValue: "Miami"},
      { displayValue: <DxcButton icon="delete" /> },
      { displayValue: "006"},
      { displayValue: "Cris"},
      { displayValue: "Paris"},
      { displayValue: <DxcButton icon="delete" /> },

  return (
    <DxcInset space="2rem">

Reduced usage

() => {
  const columns = [
    { displayValue: "Id"},
    { displayValue: "Name"},
    { displayValue: "City"},
    { displayValue: "Actions"},

  const actions = [
      icon: "delete",
      title: "Delete",
      onClick: () => {},
      title: "edit",
      onClick: (value) => {},
          value: "1",
          label: "Edit",
          value: "2",
          label: "Mark as selected",

  const rows = [
      { displayValue: "001"},
      { displayValue: "Peter"},
      { displayValue: "Miami"},
      { displayValue: <DxcResultsetTable.ActionsCell actions={actions} /> },
      { displayValue: "002"},
      { displayValue: "Louis"},
      { displayValue: "London"},
      { displayValue: <DxcResultsetTable.ActionsCell actions={actions} /> },
      { displayValue: "003"},
      { displayValue: "Lana"},
      { displayValue: "Amsterdam"},
      { displayValue: <DxcResultsetTable.ActionsCell actions={actions} /> },
      { displayValue: "004"},
      { displayValue: "Rick"},
      { displayValue: "London"},
      { displayValue: <DxcResultsetTable.ActionsCell actions={actions} /> },
      { displayValue: "005"},
      { displayValue: "Mark"},
      { displayValue: "Miami"},
      { displayValue: <DxcResultsetTable.ActionsCell actions={actions} /> },
      { displayValue: "006"},
      { displayValue: "Cris"},
      { displayValue: "Paris"},
      { displayValue: <DxcResultsetTable.ActionsCell actions={actions} /> },

  return (
    <DxcInset space="2rem">


() => {
  const showName = () => {
    return "Peter Smith";
  const sortName = () => {
    return "Smith, Peter";
  const columns = [
    { displayValue: "Id", isSortable: false },
    { displayValue: "Name", isSortable: true },
    { displayValue: "City", isSortable: false },
    { displayValue: "Actions", isSortable: false },

  const rows = [
      { displayValue: "001", sortValue: "001" },
      { displayValue: showName(), sortValue: sortName() },
      { displayValue: "Miami", sortValue: "Miami" },
      { displayValue: <DxcButton icon="delete" /> },
      { displayValue: "002", sortValue: "002" },
      { displayValue: "Louis", sortValue: "Louis" },
      { displayValue: "London", sortValue: "London" },
      { displayValue: <DxcButton icon="delete" /> },
      { displayValue: "003", sortValue: "003" },
      { displayValue: "Lana", sortValue: "Lana" },
      { displayValue: "Amsterdam", sortValue: "Amsterdam" },
      { displayValue: <DxcButton icon="delete" /> },

  return (
    <DxcInset space="2rem">
      <DxcResultsetTable columns={columns} rows={rows}></DxcResultsetTable>

No paginator

() => {
  const columns = [
    { displayValue: "Id"},
    { displayValue: "Name"},
    { displayValue: "City"},
    { displayValue: "Actions"},

  const actions = [
      icon: "filled_delete",
      title: "Delete",
      onClick: () => {},
      title: "edit",
      onClick: (value) => {},
          value: "1",
          label: "Edit",
          value: "2",
          label: "Mark as selected",

  const rows = [
      { displayValue: "001"},
      { displayValue: "Peter"},
      { displayValue: "Miami"},
      { displayValue: <DxcResultsetTable.ActionsCell actions={actions} /> },
      { displayValue: "002"},
      { displayValue: "Louis"},
      { displayValue: "London"},
      { displayValue: <DxcResultsetTable.ActionsCell actions={actions} /> },
      { displayValue: "003"},
      { displayValue: "Lana"},
      { displayValue: "Amsterdam"},
      { displayValue: <DxcResultsetTable.ActionsCell actions={actions} /> },
      { displayValue: "004"},
      { displayValue: "Rick"},
      { displayValue: "London"},
      { displayValue: <DxcResultsetTable.ActionsCell actions={actions} /> },
      { displayValue: "005"},
      { displayValue: "Mark"},
      { displayValue: "Miami"},
      { displayValue: <DxcResultsetTable.ActionsCell actions={actions} /> },
      { displayValue: "006"},
      { displayValue: "Cris"},
      { displayValue: "Paris"},
      { displayValue: <DxcResultsetTable.ActionsCell actions={actions} /> },

  return (
    <DxcInset space="2rem">