Application Layout

The application layout provides a base UI wrapper for any application built with Halstack.


Application layout design specifications
Application layout design specifications

Columns, gutters, and margins make up the responsive layout grid following these breakpoints. Depending on resolution and screen size of a device, column numbers and the values of the margins and gutters adjust to accommodate all screen elements in the most optimal manner.

  • Columns are the areas of the screen where content is placed.
  • A gutter is the space between columns used to separate content.
  • Margins are the space between the edges of the screen and content.

The following table describes the columns, margins, and gutter at each of the different breakpoints:

BreakpointColumnsGutter (recommended) 1Margin (min)2
xsmall416 / small24
small416 / small24
medium424 / medium48
large816 / small56
  1. 1.
    Any value provided by the gutter prop in the layout components can be used (ideally multiples of 8) although we recommend to stick to the values provided.
  2. 2.
    The margin value provided are the minimun recommended, any value from our spacing scale can be used or even an auto value.