Password Input

The password input component is very much like the text input, with the difference that their value is obscured by default (by replacing its characters with dot symbol ("•"), and the mask can be toggled on/off using the show and hide component action.


Password input design specifications
Password input design specifications

The password input color, typography, border, spacing, width and margin specifications are inherited from the text input, for reference check the text input component documentation.

The password input doesn't have the following text input elements, therefore their listed styles don't apply:

  • Placeholder
  • Prefix / Suffix


The component password has the following states:

States: enabled, hover, focus, error and disabled.

Password input states
Password input states


Password input anatomy
  1. 1.
  2. 2.
    Helper text (Optional)
  3. 3.
    Input container
  4. 4.
    Show/Hide action
  5. 5.
    Clear action
  6. 6.
    Error icon
  7. 7.
    Error message
  8. 8.
    Input value


Show and hide action to toggle the value visibility
Show and hide action to toggle the value visibility

The value of the input can be toggled on or off using the default action the component provides. The password input can also be clearable.

  • The toggle indicates the action that will be performed when clicked, tapped, or pressing keyboard Enter key.
  • The toggle has a title with a textual cue for the resulting action.



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